Join us once a quarter where the City's Councillors will be answering your questions live via Zoom. You can submit your questions now via the Q&A tool and also join the conversation on the night when we open the chat function. These will take place for 30 mins each week before Council meets on the last Thursday, every three months.

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Cr Phillip Pound

Councillor - Billingsthorpe

Happy to represent Billingsthorpe for 20 years. A family man who has lived in the neighbourhood all his life.

Cr Bob Bill

Councillor - Pound Place

The City's youngest Councillor ever. Bill is proud to have been born in the City and represent his local neighbourhood.

Cr Wendy Wang

Councillor - Dollarmite View

Wendy loves her neighbourhood, Dollarmite View. She helps run the W.I. and is a regular at the RSL with her husband.

Cr Shamus Brass

Councillor - Sterling Rise

Shamus is originally from Ireland but made Sterling Rise home in the early 90s when he married a local girl. Now a successful local businessmen and father with two daughters at St Joshephines.

Cr Philipa Rich

Councillor - Cointoss Coast

Philipa is a local sportswoman and champion. Representing the city and state in Badminton for many years, Philipa loves to see young Cointoss Coast residents get fit and healthy.

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A live feed will show below from 5:30-6pm on the identified dates

Chat with us while you watch - 5:30-6pm on dates shown

We will open the chat with us while the Councillors answer your questions live. Chat should be used to ask supplementary live questions or join any relevant debate around points made. Chat is moderated live by us to ensure content is relevant.
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Our Councillors

Old man

Cr Phillip Pound

Councillor - Billingsthorpe

Happy to represent Billingstorpe for 20 years. A family man who has lived in the neighbourhood all his life. He runs the local pub and is a Local Lion

Man in suit

Cr Bob Bill

Councillor - Pound Place

The City's youngest Councillor ever. Bill is proud to have been born in the City and represent his local neighbourhood. He likes golf & studies law.

old lady in flowery shirt

Cr Wendy Wang

Councillor - Dollarmite View

Wendy loves her neighbourhood, Dollarmite View. She helps run the W.I. & is a regular at the RSL with her husband. Now retired after years in fashion.

Man in suit

Cr Shamus Brass

Councillor - Stirling Rise

Originally from Ireland Shamus made Stirling Rise home in the early 90s. Now a successful business man with Cointoss Media, focussing on tourism.

Young lady

Cr Philipa Rich

Councillor - Cointoss Coast

Philipa is a local badminton champion having represented the city and state. She now works tirelessly on the Cointoss Coast to ensure sports for all.